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281.92kWh large power electric Aircraft Catering Truck

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281.92kWh large power electric Aircraft Catering Truck


Large power 281.92 kWh Aircraft Catering Truck configuration main technical parameters

driving motor model :GC-TM1300-01

driving motor controller model :GC-CU1300-01

energy storage device assembly model: L228H01

platform working height (mm) :2550~6200

rated load (kg): 6500

front platform rated load (kg) : 3000

front platform active part rated load (kg): 800

left and right adjustment range of the former platform active part (mm) :0~700

Expansion and adjustment scope of the front platform activity section (mm) :0~600

size of fixed part of front platform (length and width) (mm) :2050x2265

dimensions of the front platform activity section (length and width) (mm) :950x1200

curb weight (kg): 13790

overall dimension (length, width and height) (mm) :10500×2500×3700

Driving range (km) :440

chassis model :QL1180BEVELQHY

external dimension of compartment (length, width and height) (mm) :7500×2500×2400

rated load of fixed part of front platform (kg) : 2200

total energy of the energy storage unit (kWh):281.92

Jiangsu Tianyi Aviation Industry Co., Ltd.
Factory: No.2 Hang Kong Road High-tech zone, Jianhu county, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, P.R.China
Shanghai Office: Floor 6th, Bld 36, No.1218 Huateng Road, Qingpu District Shanghai, P.R.China
Tel: +86 21 5049 6088 / +86 400 9980 919
Mobile: +86 137 6133 5725 (As WeChat)
+86 189 6407 9542
E_ mail:

Generelle detaljer:

Selges av: ohusuhodinozojo (10 / # 1) Vurder ohusuhodinozojo


Annonseid: 662113
Utløper: 2025.02.22 (om 16 dager)
Lagt til: 2025.01.23
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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