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What are the types of paints used in Tesla collision centers?

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What are the types of paints used in Tesla collision centers?


When your prized Tesla gets into a fender bender, you want the repair work to be flawless – especially when it comes to that sleek, gorgeous paint job. That's why a Tesla collision center Florida goes the extra mile, using paints precisely engineered for their unique electric vehicles.

The aluminum-friendly formula
Speaking of aluminum, let's talk about one of the clever paint formulations used at a Tesla collision center Miami. Traditional automotive paints don't always play nicely with the aluminum alloys used in many Tesla chassis and body panels.
To address this, Tesla developed specialized aluminum-friendly paints and surface prepping techniques. This helps ensure proper paint adhesion and prevents issues like oxidation or peeling down the road. Your freshly refinished Tesla emerges with a lustrous, seamless paint job that will keep its good looks for years to come.

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Date: 2024.05.24
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