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Mindfulness is Important for Recovery

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Mindfulness is Important for Recovery


You hear people talk about mindfulness when it comes to self-improvement, that includes wanting a sober life.

Mindfulness can come in many different forms. This is why the men in our program are exposed to many different kinds of activities. Seen here is a local pottery class that some of the guys attended. A great way to explore new ways to connect with yourself in the present moment!

Follow us on FaceBook to learn more about how we help our clients not only beat their addiction but to actually thrive with a life they never dreamed possible! @learntoliverecovery


#soberliving #ltlrecovery #addictiontreatment #recoveryispossible #st.louis, #kansascity #bestaddictionrecoveryprogram #learntoliverecovery

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Utløper: 2024.09.14 (om 80 dager)
Lagt til: 2023.05.23
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