Kraken Junk Removal

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Kraken Junk Removal


1175 Avocado Avenue s te. 101 #1058
El Cajon CA 92019
r e sid e n tial cle a n o u t s , c o m m e r cial cle a n o u t s , f u r nit u r e r e m o v al, a p plia n c e r e m o v al, a t tic cle a n o u t , ele c t r o nic s r e c y clin g , f e n c e r e m o v al, f o r e clo s u r e cle a n o u t , h o a r d e r cle a n o u t , h o t t u b r e m o v al,
Kraken Junk Removal is a locally owned business. We’re located in East County and service most of San Diego County. Our mission is to empower San Diegans to reclaim their spaces with our eco-friendly and efficient junk removal services. After spending the past decade honing our skills in home renovations and space transformations, my brother-in-law Jack and I have opened our junk removal business here in San Diego. Our goal is simple: help our community get rid of commercial and residential clutter.
Monday – Friday
8AM - 6PM
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Sold by: Kraken Junk Removal (0 / # 0) Grade Kraken Junk Removal
Email: Contact seller

Ad Details

Ad id: 669595
Ad views:464
Ad expires: 2025.06.18 (in 95 days)
Added: 2025.02.18
Current rating (after 0 votes) Grade

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